LYRICS - Concrete Twin








I have a fun.

I have a truth.


I can't win SPOOKY



Get your time back

Get your time back


I can't break you

I can't hold you


I get your tight.

You well be start.

I have get start.

Take get your time.


I can't break you

You can't hold you

I can't say Yes.




I can't tell you

I can't tell you





Taxi Driver


I saw the taxi driver shouts.
He is like a king.
Like a king's reign on top of the hierarchy of this world.

He thinks strong.
Think that clever words.
I have nothing to lose and there is no element with larger body size.
I have just threatened to win.

He will think I have the absolute weak opponent.

The children are engrossed in their talk of returning school children, but only slightly blocked the road.
I just got the kids were walking happily raise a laugh.

I cry a wrong against him.
He's like the face of volcanic magma.
He is wrong to shout the other.
I fight against a government he.

Maybe He's tired.
He is tired.

His taxi driver over the bar.
These children are angry face of trauma, and the future may ride in a taxi.
Paddles even know such a thing.

His taxi driver.
I'm just a taxi driver.

Have been ringing loud horns.
Intelligence and the number seems to be inversely proportional to sound the horn.

Everyone taxi driver.
I'm just a taxi driver.

You will laugh at the children became adults.
If the position is reversed, you would understand.

Maybe He's tired.
You are tired.

You are tired.
And I'm tired.



Who gave me grief I've done.
And I was also left behind.

You have the answer's gone.
And I was also left behind.

What would it mean to live like the bottom of this trash.
What would that mean in this world can not satisfy even breathing.

Conversation will wither.
Opinion it is convenient.

Regain your throat spend quiet walk in a lordly manner.
That way you might come back.

The fighting is a big misfortune and a little unhappy.
A different thing I do not know where it is.

You fall into one another to various places, I had time to drive out.

Then I realized.

I've also abandoned along with the times man.

You just can not live tenderness says.

But I want my kindness to you.

But What I like your tenderness.

LA LA LA LA.....

LA LA LA LA.....

A Warm Gun

  The lyrics are cut-up method



I think with the head full of holes.

Make sense to do without knowing.

I think with the head full of holes.

Make sense can live without knowing.


I know your feelings Nantes .

If you love me I just me.


You think in the head full of holes.

Not even bother to know.

You think in the head full of holes.

Bitoshiikiteikebaii wood market that you love me.


I know your feelings Nantes.

If you love me I just me.


I grieve without you knowing.

Needless to know what happens.

Not even know hate you.

Without jealousy to know.


You know.....

You know.....

Be happy to know

You know.....

You know.....

If the hole is better to know.